
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Change is inevitable. Most fear it. We are called to embrace it. Signing up for the World Race is signing up for a year of constant change. Just as signing up to be a Christian is signing up for it as well. It’s a year of saying goodbye to our homes and what we had built there to embrace a nomadic lifestyle and build something that will outlast us, the kingdom. On the race, change is something that is constantly happening all around us, all while it is also taking place inside of us.


After five sweet months of living with our teams, we made way for change and switched teams. Something I’ve learned in life is often, what is happening in the physical is also happening in the spiritual. So it is no surprise that as teams change, I sense a shift in myself as well. Before becoming a team leader, I feel like I was pretty selfish with my time. It was always about my quiet time, how I’m doing, my race experience, and my impact on the ministry. I can’t even begin to fathom how I operated like that for so long. We have only been in our new teams for two days, and I feel something for these people I haven’t felt before. I wonder what God is teaching them, how they are doing, how their race experience has been so far and how I can help better it for them, how we together can impact not only the ministries we are in but the world. It’s been two days, and I can already see what God wants to do through them. They are powerful, passionate women of God, and I’m honored to grow in this next season with them.


Ps. We all felt like God was speaking to us about fire, building, and unleashing spiritual gifts. A couple of specific examples are that Mary Grace had a vision of different fire colors coming together to form a rainbow. Jackie had a vision of blazing comets falling from the sky. So ladies and gentlemen, without further a-do, I present to you, team Fire Fall.



Mary Grace – Honestly, if the color yellow could turn into a person, it would be her. She carries a joy that can only be defined as the Lord’s. She buys in to every conversation she has and never misses a moment to see people (or hug them;)


Paula – Is like a walking garden, radiating beauty and laughter. Carries the gift of faith. She doesn’t carry anything that the Lord tells her to lay at His feet.


Karis – Creative freaking gangster. She has this beautiful ability to balance the gift of teaching AND creating. Her mind is logical AND imaginative—sweet, tender, audacious soul.


Mary – There are few people in my life I’ve seen grow as fast as her. She has gotten to a place in her faith in months that take most people years. It’s because she’s hungry, open, and ready to give a resounding yes. No matter the incredible spiritual gifts she has, her greatest gift is how she can make a whole room laugh.


Jackie – Down to clown in the spiritual and the practical, haha. She has your back when you need it. Although she is excellent support, it doesn’t mean she’s afraid to step up. She will not let the devil put any labels on her and refuses to be defined by anything outside of the word of God.

5 responses to “Team Change”

  1. Love the picture!! Your wearing my shirt ??
    I miss you so much , but so very proud of you.

  2. Solid words for all my girls!!! Cant wait to see you thrive this month and the fruit of your time together!

  3. STRONG Woman and on FIRE FOR JESUS! Can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to use you!

  4. That’s my TL!!!!! Love you so much Allie! So excited for this time we will have together. My sweet firecracker.

  5. Alli you are a STAR! I’m SO stoked for this next chapter and all the things that will flourish from it. It is such an honor to see how you are going to steward this team well. The Lord has given you such a big heart and I’m excited to learn from you.